Profesor Rudolf Zuber – ojciec polskiej geologii naftowej


  • Jerzy B. Miecznik


Professor Rudolf Zuber – the father of Polish petroleum geology.A b s t r a c t. Rudolf Zuber (1858–1920), Polish geologist, Professor at the University of Lviv, founder of the Lviv school of geology. He was a researcher of the Flysch Carpathians and their bitumen deposits in the period of intense development of petroleum mining. As a petroleum expert, he used to be invited to many countries in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia. He dealt with flysch sedimentation in the Carpathians and other regions. During his travels he drew attention to shallow-marine deposits (Orinoco delta region, Guinean coast in West Africa), which he considered to be flysch during formation (Zuber, 1901). He conducted studies on the origin of crude oil, supporting the correctness of Bronisław Radziszewski’s (1877) hypothesis about the organic origin of petroleum hydrocarbons, while pointing to the dominant contribution of fermentation of plant remains (cellulose) to the process (Zuber, 1915b). Descriptions of oil fields in the Carpathian and elsewhere across the world and a discussion about the origin of flysch and bitumens were presented in the monograph “Flisz i nafta”(1918), published only in Polish.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia