Wody podziemne zaliczone do kopalin – stan udokumentowania zasobów, stopień wykorzystania, perspektywy nowych odkryć, zadania na przyszłość


  • Jakub Sokołowski
  • Lesław Skrzypczyk
  • Małgorzata Sosnowska
  • Agnieszka Malon


Groundwater classified as a minerals – the state of resource documentation, degree of use, prospects for new discoveries, tasks for the future.A b s t r a c t. Medicinal waters are most common in spas and towns of southern Poland, including the Sudetes and the Carpathians with the Carpathian Foredeep (over 70% of spas and towns with medicinal waters). In addition, healing waters occur in Western Pomerania and in several places in the Polish Lowlands. Thermal waters occur in a significant part of the Polish Lowlands, in the Carpathians and their foothills, and in the Sudetes. Brines (highly mineralized Cl-Na or Cl-Na-Ca waters) are common, especially in the Polish Lowlands, at great depths, on the order of several thousand metres below the surface. Currently, according to the latest published data as at December 31, 2019, the number of medicinal, thermal and saline water deposits is 142. In this figure, the vast majority are medicinal water deposits, of which there are 108. The remaining are 33 thermal water deposits and one deposit of brines.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia