SUEZ – Komputerowy System Udostępniania i Ewidencji Danych o Złożach Surowców Mineralnych w Polsce w latach 70. i 80. XX w.


  • Wojciech Szczygielski


SUEZ – Computerized System of Sharing and Recording Mineral Deposit Data in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s.A b s t r a c t. The article describes the SUEZ – a former system of the disclosure and recording of data on mineral resources deposits in Poland (the name has been used since 1977), which was started in 1974 to collect and process information on mineral deposits. Its founder was the Research and Development Center for Geologic Technology (OBRTG) in Warsaw, which was subordinate to the Central Geology Office (CUG). The system was running on a 16 bit Eclipse C/300 (Data General, USA) third-generation computer. The collected information was used by administration, companies and research centres. In 1976–1989, SUEZ was used to calculate and compile data for the balance of mineral resources in Poland. At the end of the 1980s, these tasks were taken over by the MIDAS computer system (MIDAS System of management and protection of mineral resources in Poland, PIG-PIB Warsaw). The history of the SUEZ system is presented, the computer hardware on which it worked, the system architecture and the methodology for data collection are characterised. The article discribles its functions and application.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia