Wzbogacenie w REE utworów osadowych w wybranych rejonach obrzeżenia mezozoicznego Gór Świętokrzyskich – obiecujące dane wstępne i potrzeba dalszych badań


  • Stanisław Z. Mikulski
  • Paweł Brański
  • Grzegorz Pieńkowski
  • Rafał Małek
  • Karol Zglinicki
  • Andrzej Chmielewski


REE enrichment of sedimentary formations in selected regions of the Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross Mountains – promising preliminary data and more research needed.A b s t r a c t. The main task of research was a quantitative and qualitative identification of rare earth elements within various Mesozoic sediments in the surroundings of the Holy Cross Mountains. Over 100 samples from archive boreholes, outcrops and mining waste were analysed using modern methods, like portable XRF, geochemical analysis (ICP-MS), electron microprobe and SEM. Results show enrichments of REE concentrations in sedimentary rock samples from the Niek³añ PIG-1 borehole (ƩREE up to 0.95%), Miedary outcrop (ƩREY up to 0.4%) and Lower Cretaceous phosphorites from mining waste in Chałupki and Annopol (ƩREE ~0.2%). Further investigation is strongly recommended in order to explain the distribution of REE in the study areas.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia