ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE W poszukiwaniu surowców krytycznych dla Polski. Republika Konga – geologia, potencjał surowcowy, warunki koncesyjne


  • Ryszard Strzelecki
  • Stanisław Wołkowicz
  • Hilaire Elenga
  • Ghynel R. Kounkou


In search of critical raw materials for Poland: Republic of the Congo – geology, mineral resources potential, concession conditions.A b s t r a c t. For its development, Polish economy needs a number of mineral raw materials that are not present in the country. An important way to increase the country's raw material security is to search for the necessary raw materials abroad. Among such countries is the Republic of the Congo. Advantageous geographic location with access to the Atlantic Ocean, the presence of geological structures rich in various mineral resources, such as tin, tungsten, coltan (Ta-Nb ore), polymetals (Cu-Pb-Zn), iron (BIF deposits), potassium salts and phosphate rock, as well as favourable legal regulations promoting foreign investments, make the Republic of the Congo a country with which Poland should cooperate in the field of raw materials and mining industries. A relatively small part of the Republic of the Congo is well explored, but the potential of undiscovered mineral resources is very large. Poland, having a well-educated cadre of geologists, can and should share its experiences with specialists working in the geological survey of the Republic of the Congo. Such cooperation can bring many benefits to both cooperating countries.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia