HISTORIA GEOLOGII I WSPOMNIENIA Z dziejów Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego Prawnofinansowy kontekst leczenia i pogrzebu prof. Karola Bohdanowicza oraz nagrobka na jego mogile


  • Maciej Kijowski


From the history of the Polish Geological Institute. Legal and financial context of treatment and funeral of Professor Karol Bohdanowicz, as well as the tombstone on his grave.A b s t r a c t. The paper concerns the resolutions of September 11, 1947 and May 5, 1950, by which the Council of Ministers has assumpted the costs of the treatment and funeral, as well as the tombstone on the grave of Prof. Karol Bohdanowicz, Director of the Polish Geological Institute, who died inWarsaw on June 5, 1947. The author refers to both procedures, started by the motions respectively of Minister of Industry and Trade Hilary Minc and Minister of Mining Ryszard Nieszporek.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia