ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2020 roku


  • Tomasz Wojciechowski
  • Izabela Laskowicz
  • Piotr Nescieruk
  • Paweł Marciniec
  • Grzegorz Uścinowicz
  • Tomasz Czerwiński
  • Zbigniew Perski


Geohazards in Poland in 2020.A b s t r a c t.The paper describes geohazard events that took place in 2020 on the territory of Poland. The PGI is responsible for geohazard monitoring in four areas of interest: landslides and mass movements within the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS, SOPO in Polish), earthquakes within the Geodynamical Monitoring of Poland and ground motions within the Interferometric Terrain Deformations Monitoring of Poland, and coastal monitoring carried out by the Marine Geology Branch within a framework of the 4D Cartography. In 2020, there were no spectacular geohazard events; however, there were some permanently active phenomena, mostly landslides, which caused significant damages to the infrastructure.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia