DZIEDZICTWO GEOLOGICZNE Od geologicznego parku krajobrazowego do geoparku globalnego (1991–2021)


  • Tymoteusz Wróblewski


Froma geological landscape park to a global geopark (1991–2021).A b s t r a c t. The Chęciny-Kielce Geological Landscape Park was proposed to be created in 1991, in order to protect the geological heritage of supraregional value, as well for educational purposes and development of geotourism. It was established in 1996 as the Chęciny-Kielce Landscape Park (ChKLP). The key adjective (Geological) was missing from its name due to the lack of relevant legislation (despite this, the ChKLP was promoted as a geological park, i.a., during the International ProGEO workshops in 1997 and 2003). At the beginning of 21st century, when a Global Geoparks Network was being organized, the ChKLP, as meeting all UNESCO geopark requirements, was proposed to be included in the network. The Geopark Kielce Centre (an institution previously established for geoheritage promotion purposes) was crucial in the foundation of the new geopark (on the basis on ChKLP), and preparing an application according to UNESCO instructions. The Chęciny-Kielce Geopark, eventually called Holy Cross Mountains Geopark (as its area was extended) was established and included in the Global Geoparks Network in 2021. It should be emphasized that the Polish Geological Institute also played a key role in the whole process, because both innovative ideas (the geological landscape park and the centre of geological education) originated in its Holy Cross Mts. Branch.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia