Piaskowiec z okolic Kunowa i Szydłowca w zabytkowej architekturze Traktu Królewskiego w Warszawie


  • Alicja Bobrowska
  • Artur Dziedzic


Sandstone from the vicinity of Kunów and Szydłowiec in the historic architecture of Royal Route in Warsaw.A b s t r a c t. The Royal Route in Warsaw has been the main communication route of the city since its inception. Along it, there are many small and large stone architecture objects made of sandstone with a characteristic light grey colour, originating from the vicinity of Kunów and Szydłowiec in the Holy Cross region. The article presents selected most significant stone objects made of light grey Holy Cross sandstone: numerous ornaments of tenement houses in the Old Town Square and the courtyard of the Royal Castle, the statue of Our Lady of Passau, the Church of the Visitation Sisters (or the Church of the Discalced Carmelites), the sculpture of Jan III Sobieski in the Royal Baths Park and the sarcophagus/mausoleum in Wilanów.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia