Metody modelowe w badaniach bilansów wód podziemnych i dokumentowania ich zasobów


  • Tadeusz Macioszczyk


MODEL METHODS OF EVALUATING GROUNDWATER RESOURCES AND BALANCESSummaryModel methods applied in hydrogeology are widely recognized as universal, and at the same time facilitating carrying out complex analyses of hydrogeological conditions. In the present paper three stages of evaluating groundwater resources and balances by the use of model method are distinguished: 1) Hydrogeological surveys carried out in order to define the pattern of geological conditions. 2) Verification of adequacy and accuracy of the above pattern and model. 3) Evaluation of ground water resources and balance by the model method. The first stage is considered to be the most important from the point of view of accuracy of hydrogeological prognosis. An adequate pattern of hydrogeological conditions requires detailed surveys to be carried out from the very beginning by a hydrogeologist conscious of the requirements, possibilities, and limitations of the type of model applied (usually electric logging model). Basic groups of surveys of hydro geological units designed to meet the requirements of model evaluations of groundwater resources and balances are briefly characterized.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia