Występowanie fauny Archaeocyatha w masywie Łysej Góry


  • Włodzimierz Sedlak


OCCURRENCE OF ARCHAEOCYATHA'S FAUNA FROM THE ŁYSA GÓRA MASSIFSummaryThe author has discovered the first fauna representatives of Archaeocyatha found to the number of 50 specimens in sands tones on the southern slope of the Łysa Góra Massif (Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Central Poland). The occurrence of large forms (more than 200 mm in height) is a characteristic feature of the representatives. The specimens presented in this paper belong to the following genera: Archaeocyathus (Fig. 1), Archaeocyathellus sp. (Fig. 2), and Ajacicyathus (Fig. 3). The material gathered in the Łysa Góra area represents a diversified genetic composition.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia