Kompleks metod geofizyki wiertniczej stosowanych w ZSRR dla celów naftowych


  • Janusz Frydecki


COMPLEX OF DRILLING GEOPHYSICAL METHODS APPLIED IN THE USSR FOR PETROLEUM PURPOSESSummaryThe present author, who has visited the Soviet Union, has got acquainted, among others, with the complex methods of drilling geophysics applied there in search for oil. These methods are differentiated according to both type and character of various drillings, i.e. basis, structural-prospecting, extension and exploitation drillings. The researches are subdivided into two stages - fundamental and complementary researches. The best results are obtained by applying the following methods: complex electrometry methods checked as concerns their efficiency (resistivity sounding, lateral sounding), with induction logging or controlled resistivity logging; combination of controlled resistivity logging and introduction logging; and complex of controlled resistivity logging used in the case of salty drilling muds. There methods, combined with acoustic, radioactive and other ones, may be applied for the whole quantitative interpretation, as well.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia