Uwagi na temat niejednorodności wgłębnej budowy geologicznej w NE części granitowej intruzji Strzegomia


  • Mirosław Kazimierczyk


REMARKS ON HETEROGENEITY OF DEEP GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN THE NE PART OF THE STRZEGOM GRANITE INTRUSIONSummaryThe works performed are listed, the results of geophysical researches made in the area of the Strzegom granite are discussed, and the character of the deep contact of the intrusion with the adjacent rocks is presented. Both the zone of negative resistivity anomalies and that of positive magnetic anomalies, recorded along the north-eastern margin of the intrusion, are broadly discussed, and their geological interpretation is given. A possibility of the occurrence of mineral metallic deposits related to the granite is stressed; and a necessity is emphasized concerning the complex elaboration of the results obtained during the geophysical surveys and geological works, with the purpose of elaborating the conception of further prospections.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia