Regionalne badania geologiczne w aspekcie poszukiwań bituminów prowadzone przez Instytut Geologiczny w 1967 r.


  • Julian Sokołowski
  • Andrzej Witkowski


REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES OF BITUMENS CARRIED ON IN THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN 1967SummaryThe article presents the most important results of the regional geological researches made by the Geological Institute in 1967 to determine perspectives of oil and gas occurrences in Poland. According to J. Sokołowski (1967), the area of Poland has been subdivided into 5 regional geological units of the first order (Fig. 1): 1 – Pre-Cambrian platform, 2 – post-Variscan Wielkopolskie depression, 3 – fold-block zone, 4 – Carpathians, 5 – Carpathian foreland. In 1967 the Geological Institute carried on general geological researches mainly in the first four units, concentrating its works in the post-Variscan Wielkopolskie depression (Pomeranian area) and in the fold-block zone (Lubelskie synclinorium, Miechowskie synclinorium, Fore-Sucetic monocline), chiefly by means of deep drillings and geophysical surveys (mainly seismical methods). The researches have proved the regional perspectives of the Cambrian formations in the platform area, of the Devonian and Carboniferous formations in the fold-block zone, and of the Zechstein and Jurassic formations in the post-Variscan Wielkopolska marginal area. One gas deposit has been discovered in the Devonian formations of the Lublin trough and one gas deposit in the Carpatians.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia