Wiek serii białych żwirów i glin kaolinowych w zachodniej części przedpola Sudetów


  • Stanisław Dyjor


AGE OF WHITE GRAVELS AND OF KAOLIN CLAYS IN THE WESTERN PART OF SUDETIC FOREFIELDSummaryIn the western part of the forefield of Sudetes there are four outwash fans produced by Sudetic rivers during Miocene and Pliocene. To the youngest members of these fans belongs the Upper Pliocene series of white gravels and of kaolin clays. At the time of sedimentation of the Poznań clays the material brought by rivers was laid down in the form of deltas. In the northern part of the outwash fans there are seen some transitions from the Poznań clays into the overlying series of white gravels and of kaolin clays. In the southern part, nearby the marginal Sudetic fault, the occurrence of erosional disconformity and of time break between both series has been ascertained. Vast Upper Pliocene outwash fans are referred by the present author partly to the climatic changes partly to the tectonic movements (Walachian phase?). Palaeobotanic examinations of the bottom portion of the white gravels and kaolin clays prove that their lower part corresponds to the Reuver B. Their sedimentation lasted up to the time of invasion of the glacier in the Polish Lowland area.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia