Geologia Lubelszczyzny w pracach geologów zagranicznych


  • Borys Areń


SummaryThe article deals with the foreign elaborations concerning the geology of the Lublin region. The elaborations considered in this ·paper have been classified into the following three groups: 1 - elaborations of Soviet geologists published in Soviet periodicals; 2 – elaborations of Polish geologists, and common elaborations of Polish and Soviet geologists, printed in Soviet periodicals; 3 - elaborations of Soviet geologists published in Polish periodicals. The themes of these elaborations are rich, embracing geological formations from Quaternary to Pre-Cambrian, and tectonical problems. Of particular importance for foreign geologists is the Lvov-Lublin area constituting a common tectonical unit. Tectonical elaborations are strongly connected with the problems of search for oil and gas deposits. Particular attention has been paid by the authors (detailed themes and authors names are presented in the reference list) to tectonic relations of the deposits belonging to the individual geological periods. Interesting is a discussion, whether the tectonic features are in common, or are different here. A series of articles concern the problems of boundary between the platform and folded Palaeozoic deposits. The Caledonian marginal area of the Russian platform is also discussed. Especial attention is also paid to the Lvov-Lublin foredeep, mainly due to the possibilities in search here for oil and gas deposits. Stratigraphical problems are concerned with the Devonian and Carboniferous boundary, and the older Carboniferous deposits, as well. The Jurassic formations occurring in the overburden of the Lvov-Wolhynian coal basin are discussed, geological structure of the Lvov-Lublin trough of Upper Cretaceous age is an object of numerous discourses, and Quaternary problems are taken into consideration. Common elaborations of both Polish and Soviet authors, concerning lithologic-stratigraphical correlation of the Pre-Cambrian and Lower Cambrian within the adjoining areas of Poland and of the USSR, contain the newest results obtained in this domain.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia