Własności geotechniczne iłów poznańskich w odkrywkach węgli brunatnych rejonu Konina


  • Krzysztof Meissner


GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF THE POZNAŃ CLAYS IN BRAWN COAL OPENCUT MINES OF THE KONIN REGIONSummaryDuring the scientific-research works conducted in the Konin region by the Chair of Mining Geology, Mining-Metallurgical Academy, above 100-Poznań clay samples were taken from the escarpments of the open-cut mines for laboratory examinations. After determining grain composition, 9 lithological types were distinguished within a rock complex, on the basis of valid norms. The results of the examinations made for three main types making 85% of all the types distinguished, were elaborated by means of mathematical statistics, as well as mean and guaranteed values were calculated and distribution curves were plotted. In addition, the influence of glacitectonics on geotechnical properties in rocks is discussed, too.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia