Wskaźniki hydrochemiczne permu zachodniej części monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Barbara Łaszcz


HYDROCHEMICAL COEFFICIENTS OF THE PERMIAN DEPOSITS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINESummaryRybaki, Nowa Sól, Urzutów-Kożuchów and Wschowa regions of the western part of the Fore-Sudetic monocline were embraced by hydrochemical researches. Fundamental material obtained from, these researches was represented by 80 chemical analyses of waters from deep borings in which Permian horizons were traced to find oil and gas deposits. During interpretation of the results obtained W. A. Sulin's classification of waters was applied. The following are hydrochemical coefficients necessary during estimation of hydrocarbons occurring in a given sedimentary basin: the presence of biophilic elements in water, Rd, B, and NH4 ions, naphthenic acids and gases. An important role is played also by such coefficients as f.ex. rNa:rCI, rBr:rJ and others. Taking these coefficients into account the present author estimated Permian waters. The results of hydrochemical researches considered in the light of lithologic-facial character of the deposits of that period and with the help of the results of physical and chemical examinations of the distinguished reservoir rocks enabled to estimate the perspectives of oil and gas occurrence in the Permian deposits in the western part of the Fore-Sudetic monocline, and to draw proper conclusions as to the further trends in search for hydrocarbon deposits in the region under consideration.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia