Problemy metodyki badań sejsmicznych na morzu


  • Stefan Młynarski


METHODICAL PROBLEMS OF OFFSHORE SEISMICAL SURVEYSSummaryIn the paper are presented main diversities of opinions between the Czechoslovakian and Polish geologists as to the geology of the flysch Carpathians. To the most important diversities in this matter belong: a) acceptance by the Czechoslovakian geologists, in contrast with the Polish geologists, of a lack of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Raczyńska sub-unit of the Magura nappe, and interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous fauna occurring in the Solańskie beds (inoceramus beds) as a fauna redeposited, b) Czechoslovakian geologists are of the opinion that the sandstones that are found on the Babia Góra summit (Beskid Wysoki region) are of Paleocene age (Babia Góra sandstones),  whereas in Poland these are thought to be Magura sandstones of Upper Eocene age. c) in contrast with the Polish geologists the Czechoslovakian geologists accept the existence of startigraphical gaps in the Upper Cretaceous of the Silesian unit, and a transgression on Istebna beds on the older flysch substratum. d) most of the Czechoslovakian geologists think that the flysch represents a shallow marine formation, whereas most of Polish geologists are of the opinion preferring the theory of suspension currents and deep-water origin of the flysch.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia