O czapie iłowo-gipsowej na wysadzie solnym w Rogóźnie koło Ozorkowa


  • Włodzimierz Charysz


ON CLAY-GYPSUM CAP OVERLYING A SALT DOME AT ROGÓŹNO NEAR OZORKÓWSummaryThe article presents a general picture of geological relationships existing in the uppermost part of the salt dome at Rogóźno. The salt dome occurs within the area of Middle Poland, in the region of the Kujawy swell, near its south-west margin. Two kinds of caps have been ascertained to occur on the Rogóźno salt dome: gypsum cap and clay cap. Within a cap of a dome various processes take place of secondary alterations, and karst phenomena develop intensely. Gypsum cap represents an environment susceptible to karst process development. The upper part of the cap, similarly as salt level, is highly diversified (Fig. 1). Spatial relationship between the salt dome and overlying Tertiary formation of brown coal is very characteristic here. The Tertiary formations represented, among others, by two thick brown coal seams fill up the trough above the salt dome. Immediately on the cap of the salt dome rests, as a rule, the lower seam of the coal. One supposes the existence of a geochemical relation between the formation process of this seam, and the leaching of both magnesium-potassium and rock salts from the dome.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia