Opracowanie fotointerpretacyjne pokrywy czwartorzędowej w Dolince Buczynowej i w górnych partiach Doliny Waksmundzkiej w Tatrach


  • Krystyna Grochocka
  • Andrzej Pszczółkowski


PHOTOINTERPRETATIVE ELABORATION OF QUATERNARY COVER IN THE DOLINKA BUCZYNOWA AND IN THE UPPER PARTS OF THE DOLINA WAKSMUNDZKA IN THE TATRA MTSSummaryAirborne and areal surveys are highly used in geological investigations carried on in the Tatra Mts. The surveys are particularly useful in cartographical works on Quaternary deposits (K. Guzik, 1959, M. Hakenberg, 1959, S. Jaczynowski, 1959). The present authors give a short description of the methods used in cartographic-geological elaboration of the Quaternary deposits in the Dolinka Buczynowa and the Dolinka Zbójnicka, as well as in the Dolina Waksmundzka. At first, an interpretation of areal surveys (stereosketches) has been made, and the later interpretation of oblique airborne photographs allowed to correct and to complete !the data obtained. The final stage of the elaboration embraced a transposition of cartographic-geological elements from surveys on topographical base in a scale 1 : 5000. Photointerpretation allowed to draw some conclusions as to the erosional and accumulation processes in the area mapped.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia