Możliwości odkrycia tzw. dużych złóż, ropy i gazu w Polsce


  • Stanisław Depowski


POSSIBILITIES OF DISCOVERING THE SO-CALLED LARGE OIL AND GAS DEPOSITS IN POLANDSummaryThe high effectiveness in prospecting works depends mainly upon the discovery of the so-called large oil and gas deposits, which, according to the present author, are characterized by their resources amounting to more than 15 mil. m3 in the case of oil deposits, and more than 30 mld. m3 in the case of gas deposits. The analysis of the so far obtained results of research and prospecting works shows that there are virtual chances of discovering such deposits in Poland, at the depths from 3000 to 3500 m, apart from the fact that so far only one large deposit has been discovered in the Miocene of the Carpathian fore-deep. Other Polish oil and gas deposits so far discovered in the Carpathians, Carpathian fore-deep and within the Fore-Sudetic monocline belong to those characterized by mean or small resources. To obtain positive or negative results in estimation of the possibility of discovering large oil and gas deposits in the area of Carpathians further geophysical works and deep drillings must be conducted. It may be assumed that real chances of discovering another large gas deposits exist in the Carpathian fore-deep area. However, the most promising in search for oil and gas deposits is the area of the Polish Lowland, where perspectives may be expected in the Palaeozoic strata (except for Zechstein), Buntsandstein - for gas deposits, and Dagger and Lower Cretaceous - for oil deposits. The main stress should be laid on the necessity of discovering large oil and gas deposits, however, search works for mean and small deposits, also important in national economy, should not be relinquished, especially as concerns such areas as f. ex. flysch Carpathians.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia