O jednym z alimentacyjnych obszarów Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Jan Kühl


REMARKS ON AN ALIMENTATION AREA FROM THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASINSummaryAlmost in all the stratigraphical horizons exposed in the mines of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, the Carboniferous rocks consist of such mineral components, characteristic of metamorphic rocks, as quartzite schists, mica gneisses, lidites and granulites. In gneisses there are found potassium feldspars and acid plagioclases, characteristic of the rocks considered. In an article published in 1952 in "Przegląd Górniczy", the present author stated his opinion that the rock material under discussion may have come from the areas of Sudetes, or from their NE prolongation, from whence it got in the coal basin. This paper presents a description of rock material that occurs at the base of the copper-bearing Zechstein. The material here considered proves that the metamorphicum of this area (sensu lato) constituted one of the alimentation areas of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia