Wyniki badań elektrooporowych w rejonie Grodziska i Graboszyc


  • Juliusz Miecznik
  • Antoni Tokarski


RESULTS OF RESISTIVITY PROSPECTING SURVEYS IN THE REGION OF GRODZISK AND GRABOSZYCESummaryThe article deals with the results of resistivity prospecting surveys made along an about 3000 m long cross section through the Skawa river valley,  in the region of the villages Graboszyce and Grodzisko (voivodship of Cracow). The purpose of the researches was to investigate the substratum under the projected dam, especially to determine the Quaternary deposit thickness, the extent of gravel terraces and the contact of the Miocene and flysch deposits, as well as to distinguish the main lithological complexes in the flysch substratum and to trace the possible dislocation zones. Due to a close co-operation of geology and geophysics, the authors succeeded in solving all tasks, except of determination of position of the Miocene arenaceous shales occurring in the Tertiary substratum. The results of these works point to a necessity of close connection of geological mapping with geophysical works during the solution of geological-engineering problems.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia