Zarys metodyki oznaczeń kolorymetrycznych metali ciężkich w próbkach glebowych
OUTLINE OF METHODS OF COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATIONS OF HEAVY MINERALS IN SOIL SAMPLESSummaryFrom 1960 to 1963 an attempt was made in the Metallometric Laboratory of the Enterprise for Geophysical Prospections to adopt the field method of colorimetric determinations of copper and zinc and lead in soil. The purpose of this article is to explain and to present the technique of the determinations mentioned above. By means of colorimetric method a series of investigations was made on samples from the area of the Święty Krzyż Mts. The results were a basis to state that the method considered is well fitted for use in geochemical prospecting works, in search for new areas and in reconnaissance of old regions of copper, zinc-lead, and pyrite mineralization, both during performance of soil metallometric survey and of hydrochemical survey.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia