Piaski żelaziste - nowa baza surowca hutniczego


  • Antoni Białaczewski


IRON SANDS AS A NEW BASIS FOR METALLURGICAL RAW MATERIALSSummaryIn the last 30 years numerous techniques were elaborated to obtain iron without applying the blast-furnace process. One of these techniques is the so-called process of ferroagglomeration. On the basis of geologically examined basis of iron sands occurring in the Święty Krzyż Mts. a mining-metallurgical plant ("Zakład Górniczo-Hutniczy Zębiec") has been built at Zębiec, near Iłża. Taking into account the existing exploitation of this mineral raw material and the special processing method the author pays attention to the deposit and to the way of its use.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia