O znaczeniu wierceń pełnordzeniowych dla badań osadów czwartorzędowych


  • Andrzej Nowicki


IMPORTANCE OF FULL-CORE DRILLING FOR INVENTION OF THE QUATERNARY DEPOSITSSummaryAccording to the discussion that took place in Poznań during the Symposium of the Commission of Genesis and Lithology of the Quaternary Deposits - INQUA, and dealt with the problem of taking samples from the Quaternary deposits, the present author discusses the importance and usefulness of the samples from the full-core drillings for investigations of features characteristic of sedimentary environment (granulometry - generally, and petrography – structure and texture of rock), and for palaeogeography. Presenting examples illustrated by photographs, the author shows a possibility of judging of sedimentary environment, and of machanical and chemical changes of the sediment during and after deposition. Moreover, the author discusses the importance of core samples as documentary material, in particular cases as exhibitis.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia