O ogniotrwałych popiołach i przerostach w niektórych pokładach węglowych w szybie "Piast" kopalni Nowa Ruda


  • Wiesław Gabzdyl
  • Tadeusz Kapuściński


ON REFRACTORY ASHES AND INTERLAYERS IN CERTAIN COAL SEAMS OF THE SHAFT "PIAST"SummaryIn the paper are given the results of the studies on refractory coal ashes and interlayers from coal-bearing series that rests above the refractory shales in the shaft "Piast" of the Nowa Ruda coal mine. High-refractory ashes have been ascertained to occur in the seams Franciszek Dolny (1730°C) and Władysław (1750°C), and high-refractory interlayer - in the sean Franciszek G6rny (1770° C). In the high-refractory ashes a pyroclastic material has been encountered in the form of globulite-like glass revealing a refractive index amounting to 1,563, as well as feldspar crystals and pyroclastic quartz sticking in the kaolinite mass. The high-refractory clayey interlayer represents a type crystalline clay (Tonstein) known to occur in many coal basins. Besides the tufogene mineralogical components, characteristic of these types of rocks (glass, pyroclastic quartz) the interlayer here considered contains also sanidine. In addition, a great chemical similarity is also presented of refractory interlayer and ashes to the refractory shale that is being exploited in the first seam. The authors suggest a possibility of using the refractory deposits from the Nowa Ruda coal mine also the old workings.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia