Problemy regionalnej inżyniersko-geologicznej charakterystyki przełomowego odcinka Wisły środkowej


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


PROBLEMS OF THE REGIONAL ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MIDDLE VISTULA RIVER GAP SECTORSummaryThe research works made within the areas of the Middle Vistula River valley and of the adjacent uplands permitted to obtain such an engineering-geological characteristics of the region considered that additional engineering-geological examinations of the given terrains for the given projection phases of the given constructional objects are superfluous or must be limited, at least. Taking this into consideration we may draw a conclusion that the complex, regional, engineering-geological researches permit to: 1) obtain more complete characteristics of the individual terrains seen against the conditions of the whole region; a fact allowing to apply the best projects of utilizing the terrain and to locate the individual constructional objects, as well as to solve their technical principles, particularly in the first phases of projecting works, 2) accelerate and to decrease the costs of engineering-geological documentations for projected objects. Each engineering-geological problem investigated in a given region requires always an individual solution, thus often an ascertainment of numerous parameters characteristic of the whole region, consequently also of each building terrain in this area. In consequence of this, the fragmentary engineering-geological examinations are not substantiated.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia