Budowa geologiczna i historia rozwoju przełomowego odcinka Wisły środkowej w świetle materiałów sympozjum w Kazimierzu Dolnym


  • Jan Malinowski


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAP SECTOR OF THE MIDDLE VISTULASummaryThe paper deals with the results of geological researches made within the area of the gap sector of the Vistula River, presented during the symposium held at Kazimierz Dolny. The previously research works embraced the Mesozoic and Cainozoic formations with regard to the stratigraphy and lithology. The geological section of the gap sector of the Vistula River reveals the Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous deposits that have been lithologically elaborated in detail. As far as the Cainozoic deposits are concerned, only Quaternary formations have been encountered in the area under consideration. Here belong particularly the deposits of the three glaciations and the interglacial deposits, as well. Against the geological structural background the author presents the dynamics of the development of the Vistula River valley. The present-day state of development of the Vistula River is estimated to be the "wildness stage", in which the accumulation is greater than the erosion.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia