RECENZOWANE ARTYKUŁY NAUKOWE Wpływ środkowoplejstoceńskich struktur glacitektonicznych i rynien subglacjalnych na rzeźbę w północnej części Pojezierza Lubuskiego (zachodnia Polska)
The influence of the Middle Pleistocene glacitectonic structures and subglacial valleys on the relief of the northern part of Lubusz Lake District (western Poland).S u m m a r y. The northern part of Lubusz Lakeland is the area of a various relief, where are clearly marked morphological by varied Ośno-Sulechów Hills and a flat Torzym Plain, situated farther south. Both units are cut by deep valleys used by rivers and lakes. The relief generally arose at the end of South-Polish Glaciations. In the first stage, push moraines (Ośno-Sulechów Hills) formed of folded Paleogene and Neogene and Quaternary sediments. The extent of the vertical Cenozoic sediment movements presumably exceeds 250 m. On the Torzym Plain, there were much less disturbed Paleogene and Neogene sediments in the form of a big beaming folding structures. In spite of the lack of Paleogene and Neogene convincing evidence, it’s not possible to reject tectonic movements during formation Ośno-Sulechów Hills and Torzym Plain. The younger glaciations modified earlier elements of this relief to a small extent. During the next stage of the South-Polish Glaciations (Sanian) very deep subglacial valleys were eroded, which probably were connected with the drainage system of central and northern Germany. The valleys cut out the subglacial zone of Ośno-Sulechów Hills and Torzym Plain to the depth of over 160 m b.s.l. Those valleys still existed during the next glaciations and interglacials, as indicated by fluvial and lacustrine sediments of Mazovian Interglacial age, as well as valley sandurs of Pliszka and Ilanka rivers originated during the Weichselian.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia