Klasyfikacja litogenetyczna peryglacjalnych pokryw stokowych w południowej części Płaskowyżu Ojcowskiego


  • Halina Pawelec


Lithogenetic classification of periglacial slope covers in the southern part of the Ojców Plateau (southern Poland).S u m m a r y. New genetic classification of periglacial slope covers is proposed on the basis of sedimentological studies carried out in the southern part of the Ojców Plateau (S Poland). The investigations aimed at recognition of diagnostic criteria for slope deposits classification, through detailed sedimentological analysis. The following periglacial slope covers have been distinguished and described: weathered debris, scree deposit, deposit of low-dense mass flow, deposit of solifluction or of dense mass flows, slope loess, deluvial loess. This paper is a case study for a discussion on diagnostic criteria for slope deposit types identification. The proposition may be a step towards a uniform genetic typology of terrestrial slope covers.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia