Olistolit w śródlądowych osadach miocenu rowu Kleszczowa


  • Leopold Wiktor Czarnecki


Olitstolith in inland the Miocene sediments of the Kleszczów Graben.S u m m a r y: The paper presents the problem of gravity-induced fossil surface mass movements. Along the margins of the Miocene inland basin formed in the Kleszczów Graben, Upper Cretaceous marls forming its northern wall underwent eboulement. Such fragments of older rocks hosted within the younger marine sediments are known as “olistoliths”. However, this term has been applied to up to date to structures known from the marine basin shores. This paper describes such a feature occurring at the margin of a continental freshwater basin. As the genesis and formation mechanisms of both structures are identical, it is proposed to extend the usage of the term “olistolith” to cover the inland occurrences, as well.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia