Reinterpretacja geologiczno-stratygraficzna osadów interglacjału mazowieckiego w Wylezinie koło Ryk


  • Krzysztof M. Krupiński
  • Marcin Żarski
  • Jerzy Nawrocki


Geological-stratigraphic reinterpretation of Mazovian Interglacial sediments at Wylezin near Ryki (eastern Poland).S u m m a r y. Rühle (1968) discerned the Wylezin Interstadial (or Interglacial) in the profile Wylezin 1. The lacustrine deposits occur above the tills of the Maximum Stadial and under sediments of the Mazovian-Podlasian Stadial of the Middle Polish Glaciations. Dyakowska (1969) correlated the lake sediments with Mazovian Interglacial. Clays of the Łukowian Interstadial occur between tills of the Krznanian and Maximum Stadials of the Middle Polish Glaciations. The boreholes Wylezin WN.1/99 and WN. 2/99 were drilled for geological maping, near profile Wylezin 1. The pollen succession in the lake sediments in the profile Wylezin is characteristic for the Mazovian Interglacial. Seven local pollen zones were identified in the pollen diagram from Wylezin WN.1/99. Three glacial horizons of the South Polish Glaciation (Wilgian (Sanian 2), Sanian 1, and Nidanian) occur below Mazovian sediments. The sands of the Odranian and Vistulian Glaciations cover the lacustrine sediments. The glacial and fluvial deposits of the Odranian and Wartanian Glaciations are documented in the section Niwa Babicka. The samples from Wylezin and Niwa Babicka boreholes were investigated with palynological, lithological/petrographic and magnetostratigraphic methods. The Pleistocene sediments from Wylezin were accumulated in the Brunhes palaeomagnetic epoch, but Quaternary deposits from Niwa Babicka were accumulated in the Matuyama and Brunhes palaeomagnetic epochs. Thus, the stratigraphic interpretation of profile Wylezin 1 by Rühle is erroneous.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia