Wykorzystanie mikrospektralnej analizy laserowej w badaniach petroarcheologicznych niektórych narzędzi kamiennych bez ich uszkodzenia


  • Alfred Majerowicz
  • Henryk Siagło


The use of microspectral analysis in non-destructive petroarcheological studies of some stone tools.S u m m a r y. This paper presents the results of microspectral laser studies of 24 stone tools mainly made of mafic amphibolites and ultramafic serpentinites. Regularities in the occurrence of chromium and titanium in the accessory minerals of these rocks were used. The method applied helps to identify the material the prehistoric tools and artifacts, without their damage. This method is useful in the studies of well preserved objects with smoothly polished surface or covering with a thin weathering patina.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia