Pozycja stratygraficzna glin morenowych w odkrywce „Smulsko” (KWB „Adamów”) w świetle analiz petrograficznych
Stratigraphical position ofmorainic deposits in the „Adamów–Smulsko” exposure in the light of petrographical analyses (central Poland).S u m m a r y. The ”Adamów–Smulsko” exposure is situated in the eastern part ofWielkopolska about 5 km to the east from Turek. Three till horizons are exposed there. The oldest one is considered to be the deposits of South Polish Glaciation age (Elsterian), the middle one of Odranian age and the upper one — divided in two strata — of Warthanian age (Klatkowa, 1993). Indicator erratics in samples taken in two profiles, lying two kilometres apart, were analysed. The relationship between fundamental indicator erratics has been determined and the comparison with the contribution of particular alimentation areas in the supply of coarse material has been made, also the theoretical home centres of the boulder associations (TGZ) here been marked. The stratigraphical conclusions do not confirm the previous interpretation. The occurrence of Odranian tills has not been supported. The lowest till horizon has been attributed to Nida Glaciation, whereas the middle and upper ones to the Warthanian Glaciation.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia