Śląska i wielkopolska prowincja litostratygraficzna glin zwałowych


  • Jerzy A. Czerwonka


Silesian and Great Poland glacial till lithostratigraphical provinces.S u m m a r y. The paper introduces a semiformal term “glacial till lithostratigraphical provinces” to denote geographical areas of occurrence of lithological groupings and formations of glacial tills. Within the area between Noteæ River ice-marginal valley and the Sudetic Foreland, 23 types of tills were recognized. Of these, 15 lithotypes were included into the Great Poland till province, four were included into the Silesian province, while the remaining ones, found at the eastern periphery of the Kraków-Częstochowa Highland are preliminarily assigned to another, not yet defined province situated east of the study area. Maps illustrating distribution of particular lithotypes were made and served as a basis for an attempt to reconstruct the changes in ice-sheet extent during subsequent glaciations.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia