Granica baden–sarmat w zapisie geochemicznym osadów w północnej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego — implikacje stratygraficzne


  • Andrzej Gąsiewicz
  • Grzegorz Czapowski
  • Jolanta Paruch-Kulczycka


Badenian–Sarmatian boundary in geochemical record in the Carpathian Foredeep area: stratigraphic implications.S u m m a r y. Results of distribution analysis of major, minor, and trace elements content as well as isotopic features and organic matter (TOC) concentration within clastic (mudstones and claystones with sandy interbeds) of the Middle Miocene (Badenian–Sarmatian) Machów Formation in the northern part of the Carpathian Foredeep (southern Poland) are presented in this paper. A chemostratigraphic study shows that the Machów Fm, underlain by evaporites (Krzyżanowice Fm) may be subdivided from the base to the top into three complexes: A, B, and C. Lithologically, the boundaries between the complexes are continuous but the contrasting geochemical difference occurs between A and B+C complexes. According to geochemical features, supported by palaeontological data, this chemostratigraphic boundary is assumed as the Badenian–Sarmatian one. Such approach reveals that the chemostratigraphic boundary occurs much higher (up to several metres) than the palaeontological one. The discordance in the boundary location is ascribed to palaeoecological factors.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia