Mikromorfologia powierzchni ziaren eolicznego pyłu kwarcowego z pokryw stokowych Ślęży (Przedgórze Sudeckie)


  • Barbara Woronko
  • Roman Żurawek


Micromorphology of aeolian silt-size quartz grains fromslope covers of Mt. Ślęża, Sudetic Foreland,SWPoland.S u m m a r y. Three samples of aeolian silty deposits from slopes of Mt. Ślęża (Sudetic Foreland, SW Poland) have been observed in scanning electron microscope in order to define their characteristic micromorphologic features. Four categories of quartz grains have been distinguished, i.e.: fresh, coated, etched, and broken. The majority (up to 70 %) of particles was fresh, with well visible conchoidal or linear fractures, possibly with initial coating, the percentage of coated and etched particles varied depending on sample investigated and there were very few broken particles (less than 8 %). This characteristic shows that the silty deposits have been little affected by epigenetic processes . Fluvial sediments, fluvioglacial deposits or older aeolian covers have been assumed as possible source of the loessic silt.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia