Zastosowanie cyfrowego modelu terenu (DEM) w badaniach geologicznych na przykładzie obszaru między Dobczycami a Mszaną Dolną (polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne)
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) applied to geological research: a case study of the area between Dobczyce and Mszana Dolna (Polish Outer Carpathians, southern Poland).S u m m a r y. This paper is a preliminary report on using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Shaded Relief Image in geological mapping in the Carpathians. Digital processing of the topographical maps in 1:25 000 scale enabled 3D visualization of a fragment of Polish Outer Carpathians, situated between Dobczyce and Mszana Dolna villages. This permitted a preliminary interpretation of lineaments occurring in the study area and recognition of correlation between the lineaments and geological structure of the Carpathians Flysch Units. The picture of the Shaded Relief Image was compared with existing remote sensing data such as radar and satellite images, and with results of geological mapping carried out by author in the field. The recognized lineaments can reflect fault zones in the flysch cover and in the consolidated basement. The correlation of lineaments detected in the digital models with discontinuities confirmed in outcrops demonstrates the value of digital methods in geological cartography.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia