Zbiorniki paleozoiczne obszaru krakowsko-kieleckiego — możliwości wykorzystania energii geotermalnej


  • Antoni P. Barbacki


Paleozoic reservoirs at the basement of the Cracow–Kielce region (southern Poland): possibilities of utilising geothermal energy.Summary. The paper presents results of analyses of the Paleozoic reservoirs of geothermal waters in the Cracow-Kielce region. Analyses included to depth estimation of aquifers, temperature of accumulated waters, flow conditions, mineralization and identification zones for utilization of geothermal energy. It is concluded proved that Paleozoic waters could be used for heating both directly and by heat pomp systems. Proper conditions for these purposes occur in the areas of regional dislocations, i.e. in the eastern Cracow Zone and near Bochnia and Racławice.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia