Ukształtowanie powierzchni stropowej gliny zwałowej zlodowacenia sanu 2 w centrum Wrocławia
The morphology of the top tills’ surface of the South Polish glaciation (Sanian 2) in the centre of Wrocław.S u m m a r y. South Polish tills surface in downtown Wroc³aw were mapped using 136 records of elevation of glacial tills surface. The unevenly distributed data were interpolated by kriging method. The investigated surface a reveals a prominent upward trend in the S–SW direction (from 95 to 114–115 m a.s.l.), average inclination is 15–20o. There are some evident irregularities in that trend, e.g., a 3–4 meters deep trim in the central part of map. Modern morphology of the top surface of glacial tills (Sanian 2) is a result of fluvial erosion after Sanian 2 glaciation. Some irregularities of the surface can be an effect of the brook character of that river. Position of the Recent Odra’s riverbed is directly connected with an old Pleistocene riverbed.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia