Geoindykatory strefy brzegowej — rejestracja i analiza procesów i zjawisk


  • Marek Graniczny
  • Tomasz Janicki
  • Zbigniew Kowalski
  • Szymon Uścinowicz
  • Joanna Zachowicz


Geoindicators of the coastal zone — registration and analysis of processes and phenomena.Summary. The goal of the project was to evaluate methods for recording and analysing the geoindicators related to the coastal zone. Geoindicators, according to the definition elaborated by the IUGS, are measures (magnitudes, frequencies, rates and trends) of geological processes and phenomena occurring at or near the Earth’s surface and subject to changes over periods of 100 or less years. Shoreline changes are one of the most important geoindicators of processes on the coastal areas because of their importance to economy and nature conservation. Investigations were carried out on the southern and western coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk: in the Vistula river mouth, on cliffed coast south of Gdynia and at the tip of the Hel Peninsula. Shoreline changes in different time scales were identified by analyses of aerial photos, analyses of digital terrain models and GPS measurements.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia