Model przestrzenny intruzji bardziańskiej w okolicach Zagórza (region kielecki Gór Świętokrzyskich) w świetle wyników nowych badań magnetycznych
Spatial model of the Bardo intrusion in the vicinity of Zagórze (Kielce region of the Holy Cross Mts) in the light of a new magnetic survey.S u m m a r y . Detailed magnetic survey was performed in the western part of the Bardo Syncline (Kielce region of the Holy Cross Mts.). Geological map shows that the roots of the diabase intrusion that surrounds the Bardo Syncline should be occur at the surface in the study area. A shallow borehole of Zagórze PIG-1 was drilled at the place where the maximum anomaly of magnetic field was noted. Magnetic susceptibility and inclination of magnetic remanence of the drilled diabase and underlying Silurian sediments were measured. Based on these data and detailed magnetic survey, 2D magnetic modelling was carried out. Its results show that the shape of the Bardo intrusion in the area is not so complex as presented in the earlier works. Like in the eastern parts of the Bardo Syncline, there is one steep dyke that cuts pre-Silurian rocks. The dyke was spilled into Silurian strata. Its southern branch, observed in other parts of the Bardo Syncline, was not preserved in the study area, most probably due to erosion.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia