Aparaty brachialne ramienionogów — kolekcja G. Dubara (1896–1977)


  • Adam T. Halamski
  • Mikołaj K. Zapalski
  • Denise Brice
  • Bruno Mistiaen


Brachial apparatus of brachiopods — G. Dubar’s (1896–1977) collection.S u m m a r y. Since the beginning of the 20th century, serial sectioning (grinding) has become the standard technique of investigating the internal structures of fossil brachiopods. However, as shown by Cooper (1983), even if accurate reconstructions of brachial apparatus can theoretically be made from serial sections, in reality several difficulties arise during the grinding process that make published reconstructions quite frequently erroneous. The use of direct preparation of brachial apparatus should supplement serial sections in order to explore the entire available information. However, the former method is possible only in exceptional cases. A collection of prepared brachial apparatus was established by canon Gonzague Dubar, professor of palaeontology at the Lille Catholic University (France). Besides terebratulids already published in Dubar’s PhD thesis (Dubar, 1925), it contains unpublished material, the most valuable part of which are several specimens of Liassic




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia