Rola zróżnicowania wytrzymałości skał w genezie rzeźby Masywu Ślęży (Przedgórze Sudeckie)


  • Agnieszka Placek


The role of spatial variability in rock strength in the origin of relief of the Ślęża Massif (Sudetic Foreland).S u m m a r y. This article presents the results of rock hardness tests conducted in the Ślęża Massif to decipher the relationships between the geological structure and relief. It has been shown that all rock types of the massif represent similar mechanical strength. The highest mean strength was found in granite of the western slopes and the foothills of Mt. Ślęża, whereas the lowest strength is typical of gabbro from the central part of the massif, its summit and the eastern and southern slopes. Thus, the traditional concept emphasizing gabbro as being the most resistant rock has not been confirmed. There is also no evidence of higher strength of rocks within the massif, as compared to those in most of its surroundings. Variable mechanical strength is probably responsible for slope mesorelief (mid-slope benches and ridge lines), yet the hypothesis that the resistance of gabbro changes perpendicularly to the contact with granitoid intrusion has not received support. Higher mean Schmidt hammer rebound values and lower standard deviation occurring below 450 m a.s.l. are interpreted as a result of interaction between the structural factor and glacial exaration during the Odra Glaciation.




Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia