Morfologia, struktury sedymentacyjne, cechy uziarnienia i geneza wstęg piaszczystych równiny zalewowej doliny dolnej Wisły między Górskiem i Szynychem
Morphology, sedimentary structures, granulometric properties and origin of sandy ribbons developed on the lower Vistula River valley floodplain between Górsk and Szynych.S u m m a r y. The paper presents the results of morphometric, structural and granulometric analyses carried out on sandy ribbons developed on the lower Vistula river floodplain in the Toruñ and Unisław Basins. The landforms identified were classified in respect to their shape, sedimentary structures and degree of preservation. Their origin and relation to other flood deposits were described and illustrated in the map of thickness and extent of sandy flood deposits in the Świecie Basin.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia