Mapa podatności osuwiskowej — studium z rejonu Jodłówki (Pogórze Dynowskie)
Landslide susceptibility map: a case study from the Jodłówka region (Dynowskie Foothills).S u m m a r y. The Jodłówka region is located in the north-eastern part of the Dynowskie Foothills. The region is characterized by a very high density of landslides and is composed of Cretacoeus-Tertiary sediments of the Skole Nappe. The Inoceramian Beds are the dominant lithologal unit overlain with the Variegated Shales. The present paper focuses on the influence of geological and geomorphological factors upon the landslide occurrence on a local scale. The analysis is based on digital data set including active landslides as well as various types of digital elevation models (DTM), aerial photography and geological maps. These data were combined to compute landslide susceptibility map using index methods.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia