Metodyka modelowania przestrzennego budowy geologicznej osadowych złóż pokładowych na przykładzie cechsztyńskiego złoża soli kamiennej Mechelinki nad Zatoką Pucką
Methodology of 3D structure modelling of sedimentary stratiform mineral deposits—a case of the Mechelinki Zechstein salt deposit at the Puck Bay.S u m m a r y . Construction of a data base structure and resulted 3D structure images of sedimentary stratiform deposits was exemplified in a case of rock salt deposit at the Puck Bay (northern Poland). Analysis of 3D models of deposit structure (lithological and facies ones) and distribution models of selected chemical (resource) parameters evidenced a high correlation between the distinguished salt facies types and resource features. The imaged facies and chemical patterns indicated that the middle and western parts of the deposit are the most prospective for future management for both underground salt exploitation and cavern solution (gas/oil storage). Another area for future prospecting and management is located towards NW and NNW from the actual salt deposit area. The presented methodology could be applied to other sedimentary deposits, e.g. raw minerals and lignites, simplifying the resource calculation and projecting their proper and economic management.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia