Architektura depozycyjna warstw magurskich w strefie Siar na południe od Gorlic (płaszczowina magurska, polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne)
Depositional architecture of the Magura Beds from the Siary zone, south of Gorlice (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians).S u m m a r y. Detailed analysis of lithofacies and their distribution in the Magura Beds in 11 transects in the eastern part of the Siary zone, revealed 16 facies and 6 associations of genetically and spatially related facies. The facies spectrum evidences deposition from a variety of mass gravity processes and subordinately by hemipelagic rain. The facies associations reveal depositional patterns of submarine fans and include: channels, channel-levees, channel-lobe transitions, depositional lobes and slump bodies. Correlation results (9 sections) and facies distribution together with paleocurrent directions suggest that the deposition of this part of Magura Beds took place in a submarine ramp/apron hybrid setting fed from a multipoint source. The depositional pattern of the Magura Beds in the study area records a two-stage development, which began with the emplacement of a sand/mud-rich type system and was followed by a mud-dominated system.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia